This pack increases cat’s body height by two pixels and its width twice (!)
Cats have same speed, hitbox and everything. This pack works with every stable version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition. I’m not sure about latest betas, as I haven’t tested this addon on them, but you can try to install it, if anything is wrong with the pack report in comments.
The addon is very light (56 kilobytes), but it has a lot of fat!
I hope you enjoy it!

It’t required to load the behavior pack, because without it cats will be buggy. I still haven’t figured out what is the reason of bugs written below.
Known bugs:
1. Fat cats won’t spawn from “Cat” egg. Only “Ocelot” egg works.
2. If you won’t select behavior pack ocelot will act like a normal animal. It will be feedable, but it won’t follow you, and its skin will not change.
3. Cats which spawn in villages are slim (as they spawn as “cat” not “ocelot”
I will fix these bugs ASAP.